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Targeting With WoW Macros

Targeting in World of Warcraft (WoW) macros allows you to specify who or what your spell, ability, or action will affect. You can use target conditionals to customize macros for self-casting, assisting allies, targeting enemies, and more.


How Target Macros Work in World of Warcraft

Targeting macros in World of Warcraft allows you to specify who your spells or abilities should be cast on. They improve efficiency by reducing the need to manually select targets, helping in combat, healing, crowd control, and pet management.


/cast [@unit] Spell


@unit determines the target of the spell.
If no @unit is specified, the spell is cast on your current target.




/cast [@player] Renew

Always cast Renew on yourself.


/cast [@focus] Polymorph

Casts Polymorph on your focus target.


Common Targeting Conditions


@player    Targets yourself.
@focus    Targets your focus target.
@mouseover    Targets the unit your mouse is hovering over.
@pet    Targets your pet.
@party1 to @party4    Targets specific party members.
@raid1 to @raid40    Targets specific raid members.
@targettarget    Targets your target’s target.
@arena1 to @arena5    Targets specific arena opponents.


Types of Target Macros


Self-Cast Macro
For spells that should always be cast on yourself.

/cast [@player] Power Word: Shield


 Mouseover Macro
Casts a spell on the unit you are hovering over with your mouse.

/cast [@mouseover,exists] Flash Heal; Flash Heal

If you are hovering over a friendly player, it heals them.
If no mouseover target exists, it heals your current target.

Focus Target Macro
Uses your focus target for spells like crowd control.

/cast [@focus] Polymorph

Useful for keeping a CC’d enemy controlled without switching targets.

Target’s Target Macro
If your target is an enemy, it will heal their target (e.g., your tank).

/cast [@targettarget,help] Flash Heal

If your target is an enemy, it heals their target (your ally).
If your target is friendly, it does nothing.


Assist Macro
Targets and attacks your tank's target for quick focus fire.

/assist [@party1]
/cast Fireball

Pet Attack Macro
Sends your pet to attack either your target or your focus.

/petattack [mod:shift,@focus]; [@target]

Shift + Macro → Pet attacks focus.
No modifier → Pet attacks your target.


Combining Targeting with Modifiers
Modifiers allow for flexible targeting within a single macro.

Example: Multi-Target Healing Macro

/cast [mod:shift, @player] Renew; [mod:alt, @party1] Renew; [@mouseover,exists] Renew; Renew

Shift → Casts Renew on yourself.
Alt → Casts Renew on Party Member 1.
Mouseover → Heals the mouseover target.
No Modifier → Heals your current target.


Side note using @ or = in a macro are interchangeable 



Targeting macros in WoW streamline gameplay, allowing faster reactions and better efficiency. By using [target=unit], [harm], [help], [mouseover], and other conditionals, you can create powerful macros for combat, healing, and crowd control







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