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In World of Warcraft, the [stance] conditional (also known as [form]) allows macros to execute different actions depending on your current stance, shapeshift, or form.


/cast [stance:#] Spell1; [stance:#] Spell2; DefaultSpell


stance:# or form:# checks if you are in a specific stance/form.
You can use multiple stance conditionals to cast different abilities.
The macro falls back to the default action if no stance is active.



/cast [stance:1] Battle Shout; [stance:2] Defensive Stance; [stance:3] Berserker Rage

  • Battle Stance (1) → Casts Battle Shout

  • Defensive Stance (2) → Casts Defensive Stance

  • Berserker Stance (3) → Casts Berserker Rage


Stance/Form Numbers by Class


  1. Battle 

  2. Defensive 

  3. Berserker


  1. Bear

  2. Aquatic

  3. Cat

  4. Travel

  5. Moonkin


  1. stealth


  1. Shadowform


  1. Ghost Wolf


​Example Macros

Warrior Stance-Based Macro
This macro changes which ability you use based on your stance.

/cast [stance:1] Overpower; [stance:2] Revenge; [stance:3] Execute


Battle Stance (1) → Casts Overpower
Defensive Stance (2) → Casts Revenge
Berserker Stance (3) → Casts Execute



​Druid Form-Specific Macro
A macro that casts different spells based on Druid form.

/cast [stance:1] Maul; [stance:3] Prowl; [stance:5] Moonfire; Wrath


Bear Form (1) → Casts Maul
Cat Form (3) → Casts Prowl (stealth)
Moonkin Form (5) → Casts Moonfire
No Form Active → Casts Wrath


Rogue Stealth Macro
If the Rogue is in Stealth, it uses Cheap Shot, otherwise, it uses Sinister Strike.

/cast [stance:1] Cheap Shot; Sinister Strike


Stealth (1) → Uses Cheap Shot
Not in Stealth → Uses Sinister Strike


Shift into a Stance if Not Already in It

This macro will switch to Defensive Stance if you're not in it, otherwise, it will use Shield Block.

/cast [nostance:2] Defensive Stance; Shield Block


​If not in Defensive Stance (2) → Switches to it.
If already in Defensive Stance → Uses Shield Block.


Combining Stances with Modifiers

You can mix stance conditionals with modifiers.

/cast [mod:shift, stance:1] Charge; [mod:shift, stance:3] Intercept; Hamstring


Shift + Battle Stance → Uses Charge
Shift + Berserker Stance → Uses Intercept
Otherwise → Uses Hamstring


Final Notes
[stance] and [form] are interchangeable.
Stance numbers can change in expansions where stances are removed or altered.
Check your class mechanics to ensure the correct stance numbers for your spec/version of WoW

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